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Bitcoin was consolidating on Wednesday, as the U.S. dollar continued to strengthen versus several G7 currencies. A strong dollar means demand for cryptocurrencies typically plummets, with the global market cap trading in the red as of writing. Ethereum was also lower today, falling as it remained below $1,300. Bitcoin BitcoinContinue Reading

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Despite the headwinds that have dominated the year, remittances to low and middle-income countries in 2022 still grew by 5% to $626 billion, the World Bank Migration and Development Brief has said. Africa, where the cost of sending $200 averaged 7.8% in 2022, is the “most severely exposed to theContinue Reading

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On Tuesday, the hardware wallet manufacturer Ledger announced the launch of a new device called Ledger Stax. The machine was designed by iPod creator, Tony Fadell, and the France-based firm Ledger says the new device was built with “uncompromisingly secure architecture.” iPod Creator Tony Fadell Partners With Ledger to LaunchContinue Reading

Bitcoin Mining Monthly Revenue

Bear market history never repeats, but it often rhymes and these six datasets show how the bitcoin mining industry is faring today. Bitcoin mining companies continue struggling to survive the ongoing bear market. Dreams of outperforming bitcoin as a public mining company are long gone. Bankruptcies and lawsuits make routineContinue Reading